隽绘街巷 艺韵宋庄丨2022年 SRC 风景园林6+1校企联合毕业设计终期汇报活动(上)



In the current period of new urbanisation, public art, as a direct carrier for disseminating urban culture and an important means of fostering humanistic spirit, is of great significance in activating the vitality of the streets, reconstructing the appearance of the neighbourhoods and shaping the spirit of the field, and is an effective way of urban renewal. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should give full play to the important role of art in serving economic and social development, and apply more art elements and artistic elements to urban and rural planning and construction, so as to enhance the aesthetic flavour and cultural taste of urban and rural areas.SRC Landscape Architecture 6+1 School-Enterprise Joint Graduation Design takes art as the core, and invites colleges and universities, enterprises, teachers, and students to explore the ways of shaping the high quality of the street space at the humanistic scale, so that through the students' learning of art, teachers can pass on their art, and the six schools can teach their art, Through students learning the art, teachers passing on the art, six schools teaching the art, and enterprises talking about the art, it realises in-depth joint cultivation between schools and enterprises and between schools under a diversified perspective, and paints the streets and alleys, and rhymes with the art of Songzhuang. 

On June 1, 2022, SRC Landscape Architecture 6+1 School-Enterprise Joint Graduation Design Final Defense and Academic Reporting Activity was successfully held online by Beijing Forestry University, Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Xi'an University of Architecture Science and Technology, and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and E-Lan Planning and Design Institute, and about 60 teachers and students of colleges and universities and enterprise mentors from all over China gathered in the cloud to discuss and exchange views with each other. About 60 teachers and students from universities and enterprises from all over the country gathered in the cloud to report and defend the final results of the project "Streetscape Reconstruction and Open Space Design of Songzhuang Art and Creative Town in Tongzhou, Beijing".